Friday, November 15, 2013

Turkey Month Transition

So, last Friday, November the 1st, I was serious when I asked Ty if it was acceptable for me to decorate for Christmas that weekend...

{This might be a close comparison to how some Turkey Day lovers
feel about hauling out the holly a little too soon}...

Looking at the next few weekends in November, I only have one or two options as to when I can 100%, totally, whole-heartedly commit to a few hours of Christmas season kick-off. Last year, the Saturday that I decorated for the holidays was seriously the most cozy and wonderful day of the whole year {other than Christmas day itself, of course}. After only six months of marriage and home ownership, I had already collected a decent amount of stuff to decorate with for our first Christmas in our house; unpacking each item was like a little mini-Christmas all on its own!

I began a tradition. I first put on my holiday jams {favorite Christmas playlist post coming soon!} and/or find whatever Harry Potter film is currently on ABC family, make some cider, and Christmas-i-fy-the-you-know-what {heck... what were you thinking?!} out of our house. I can't wait to do it again this year!!

So, since Ty and I agreed the day after Halloween was a bit too early, I found a couple of Thanksgiving/ish things to satisfy my inner Martha Stewart.

^^ Current goal/project for Ty? Get our fireplace working. Pronto!

^^ Found this cute printable online. I also started liking pumpkin-flavored things this year, so it works. ;)

^^ Got this adorbs feather wreath and my Thomas T. Turkey for around $5.00 last year after Christmas at Tuesday Morning. Score.

I can't wait until my next decoration post!! Why? Because it will be featuring all of the new items I got on sale last year after Christmas. Christmas being, of course, "The most wonderful time of the year....." YippEEEEE!!!*

*NOTE: No excitement has been feigned in this post. Holiday excitement is 100% genuine. Just ask my better half.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Weird Custom

Imagine being from another planet. {Perhaps one much more sane than our own? I'm sure there are some out there...} You descend to earth and see a house with piles of mis-matched junk laying on tables out in front with a small colored sticker containing a number on each item. You begin to think these people are a bit strange but you want more information...

You approach them and ask them why they are laying their belongings out on display for everyone to pass by and see. They begin to explain that they have been working for days, perhaps even weeks, preparing for this two-day event. They have gone through their home, rummaging through their things to find the items that they decide they can live without and love the least of all of their earthly possessions.

While you are there, you see people come and go. Some even drive by, peering out their windows at the items, but never exiting the vehicle. {Jerks.} Some bring items up to purchase but want to know if they'll take "$.10 instead of $.25." {"What's the difference," you ask yourself.} Time passes and the items begin to disappear. Slowly, the belongings that were once purchased for 10 times the amount that they're being sold for today begin to find new homes and families. Families that in 5 years, will turn around and sell these things again in front of their own house.

After deciding it's time to return home, a place where people don't buy other people's used and useless junk, you pass by a sign that reads: Yard Sale.

^^ My view for 9 hours on a beautiful October Saturday.

Yes, we had a yard sale a few weeks ago. "We" being my mom and me. And yes, it was way more work than it was worth! Why do I not remember this before I agree to take part in another one?

But there was one freaky thing that happened. Like, really freaky.

On Saturday morning, we were totaling up the previous day's sales. We're talking almost two full pages for each of us with teeny, tiny amounts {$.20, $.50, $1.50 stuff}. Lots and lots of items.

As I total mine up, I am pleased with my amount I earned. Not too shabby, especially considering the fact that my mom worked the sale the entire day on Friday while I was at school.

Then, as I'm tallying her totals up, I start to notice we're getting close to the same amount. However, I didn't expect that it would be the exact. same. amount. to the CENT. 

That is freaky, people!!
$148.40. We both think it's a weird omen of some kind. 
{So long, friends, it's been nice knowing you! I knew we shouldn't have had this sale...}

Garage sales. Love to hate them, hate to love them.