Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Perspective & Purposefulness

It has been a little while since I last blogged. I had some posts drafted {meaning, they were waiting to be finished and posted} that were titled "Christmas 2013 Wish List - a.k.a. 'Ty's Reminders'" and "Last Minute Gift Ideas." I'd been compiling these lists for a few days, trying to get them finished before Christmas.

Then Monday, December 16th, 2013 happened.

One of the hardest, most heartbreaking days I've ever had to experience. A student of mine left this earth. He was far too young. He led a life seemingly full of beauty and promise. He was a student, classmate, friend, brother, and son who made a decision that ultimately affected all those who loved him and will miss him every day for the rest of their lives.

Having to tell the horrific news to a classroom full of unsuspecting students and dealing with their outpouring of emotions and questions that followed was the hardest thing I've ever done. I, myself, was speechless, shocked, and left heartbroken by what I had heard. How could I possibly offer any comfort in these precious children's times of need?

I thank the loving and wonderful Lord that He heard my prayer that day: "Help me be strong. Help me know what to say. Help me."

That day ended and another day almost as difficult began. An empty choir room in the early morning hours proved to be my refuge after a night of little sleep. It felt good to be in a place where joyful music had once been made, only two days before, in the rehearsal leading up to our Christmas program. A place where Michael stood, singing songs, laughing with friends. 

I walked over to the shelf and found his folder, number 39, placed in between his older brother's and younger sister's. His music put neatly in order, his assignments and papers I had provided him with throughout the school year. I gazed at his handwriting. What did I miss? Why wasn't there a sign? Why, Lord? I'd recently told him just a few weeks prior how much he had truly improved as a singer. This was his first year in choir, and I guess being a novice myself, I expected him to come in and perform just like his talented older brother, Gabe, who is now a four-year choir veteran. Michael took a little teaching, molding and fine-tuning {pun intended} before he was reading the bass part all by himself - and by December improved he most certainly was! 

His younger sister, Taylorann, has also quickly learned the ropes of alto. She's a stunningly beautiful girl with an even more beautiful, kind heart. I am blessed to have both Gabe and Taylorann in Bison Time {study hall period} everyday as well as in choir. I see now how the Lord had his hand in placing them both in the same room for bison time. They'll need each other in the coming days and months.

The scripture is true: "...so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

As a college student learning to become a future choir director, I learned a plethora of ways in which you can correct your choir when their singing is out of tune. I learned how to accompany and demonstrate vocal warm-ups that will begin each rehearsal appropriately for the choir, and in a way that best suits their needs. I practiced directing collegiate ensembles, actual singers who would perform to the best of their ability but who would still need some guidance and direction on how to better enhance their sound. As a young director, I focused on perfecting varying arm gesticulations and hand articulations that would help my future choirs to achieve a desired sound.

I never learned how to deal with a situation such as this.

I never practiced walking into a room and standing in front of fifty devastated and grief-ridden faces, all of which had countless questions and I did not have an answer to provide to a single one. I think back on that Tuesday, the day after the tragedy but the first day since we had met together as a choir, and I see his empty chair sitting in the middle of the second row. A visual representation of the loss and emptiness felt in our hearts. A room that has always been full of boisterous, excited, jabbering voices, and on most days I can't get to be silent if I try, now sat deafeningly silent even before the bell sounded.  At that moment I would have given anything for it not to be silent.

I don't remember the words that I spoke. As much as I tried to prepare something to say, my mind became empty but my eyes and emotions were overflowing. I do remember my strong desire to relay to each and every one of them, each precious soul in that room, how much they are deeply loved and cared for. If by none other, then by their choir teacher.

I'm not sure that I helped anyone during that difficult week. But as I told my students on the last day of the semester, before we sang for Michael's funeral, they'll never know or understand how much they help me. Everyday. Every single day that I am with them.

Even on my very worst day so far as a teacher, I am more blessed and profoundly more fortunate than some. I know that. And I praise God for that.

I'm thankful that in the times when I feel weak, humbled, and lower than I could have ever imagined being, He is strong. He is perfect. The greatest director {dare I say, the original and best choir director there has been, is, and will ever be} of the most imperfect, horrendous group of singers sinners. We belittle, blaspheme and even blatantly ignore His directions: His perfect, unfailing, and life-changing directions.

I tell my students frequently: Sit up tall! Look interested! Watch me closely! Listen to what I'm about to tell you! Is not the Heavenly Father attempting to do the same thing, if I would only sit up in my chair and listen? Oh, the things I must be missing out on. The joy, the blessings, the sense of purpose.


So what's my point in relaying the account of that week? One, to get the memory out of my head and heart and to put some of it down in words. There was much more to that week than what I have written here, but it feels good to share the story and to provide a release of the words I've been pondering over and over in my head.

The second is perspective. How sickeningly horrible on my part that it took something as tragic and life-altering as this to open my eyes to what is truly important. The Christmas gifts and lists I'd been working on took a back seat… like off the bus, on the back bumper of a trailer attached behind the bus, back seat. The beautiful decorations and jolly Christmas carols were no longer on the forefront. While Christmas was still wonderful spent with family, gifts were still opened, I was reminded with each activity that some, not all, of this is fleeting. The time spent with family I enjoyed and valued more. The scripture of the timeless Christmas story was more special to me this year. 

Christmas has always been my most favorite time of the year, and this year I feel inspired to carry with me into 2014 the things I've learned here in the last days of 2013.
I bought this bible today with some of my Christmas money. I own several bibles already, but I didn't have one yet with my married name on it. I want this one to symbolize a fresh start. A re-awakening of spirit and a newfound sense of purposefulness. Why am I here, right here, right now? What is my purpose? What is the Lord yearning to do through my life that I am preventing due to an unwilling and lackadaisical spirit? It is my earnest desire that I would use this time in my life as a season of growth, re-energizing, and re-dedication to what is important: making a difference in the lives of those around me.

{If anyone has the desire to join me, I'm committing to a reading plan of the New Testament. I've tried the read through the bible in a year and I always fail. I want to be realistic in my expectations, so I think the NT is a good place to start. :) This is similar to what I am thinking of doing… reading through the NT as stated with Psalms and Proverbs on the "off days" listed on this chart: http://www.scefc.org/documents/52_wks_new_testament.pdf}

God bless you and your life in 2014!

"He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"
Micah 6:8

{To hear the song "Meditation," the piece that the choir 
performed at Michael's funeral, click here.}

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift under $10

Today I am linking up with some other bloggers {Erika and Andrea} for a Favorite Things Party. I racked my brain trying to think of a useful, practical, and cute gift for under $10.00. Here's what I came up with:

A ring holder!

When Ty and I first got married, I didn't have one of these. I would daringly set my ring by the bathroom sink or on my nightstand. Luckily, I never dropped it down the drain, or worse, down the vent next to my side of the bed! All of these things could have easily happened with my fabulous sense of clumsiness, however.

With this gift you can get kind of creative. I just use a little dish from Hobby Lobby to hold my wedding ring and other small earrings that I wear on a regular basis. 

Here are some cute ones I found from around the www:
^ This could easily be re-created {DIY!} using a small picture frame, some cotton backing, fabric and a push pin of some sort.

^ This was from Etsy and is over $10.00 but I thought it was super cute & wanted to share. :)

And here's my favorite ring holder that I found, and it's exactly $10.00…
^ This little cutie is at Pier 1.

There are tons of options for this as a gift. Some other cute ideas on Etsy I saw were small plates for the ring bearer to carry at a wedding, then use as a ring holder after! They were more expensive, but would be a great keepsake. This would make an awesome gift for any girl getting married soon!

And one last thing before you go... If you already have one in your bathroom {or know of a friend who has one}, why not put one in the kitchen to use while doing dishes or cleaning??

Happy gifting!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas in the DeCrib {2013}

I wanted to get a post together of some of the Christmas decor we have up this year. This is Christmas #2 for us, and I would say this year is definitely an improvement {in the decor area} from last year. Luckily, I managed to find a lot of good stuff after Christmas last year on sale. This year was like an early little mini-Christmas opening up all of the totes and remembering what I got! Cheers for bargain decorations.

Front Door
^ There's a tutorial here for the wreath. What started out as a Razorback Football Wreath, transformed into a Christmas one with a "Merry Christmas" sign!

^ I made this little banner to hang our Christmas cards on. These are last year's cards that I still had on the banner. Time to take them off and get ready for this year's!

Living Room

^ We received this Willow Tree Nativity as a wedding gift! Such a great present, even though we got married in June. I know we will treasure this nativity scene every year in our home.

^ The awesome beam that Ty made and hung for us earlier this year! It's almost like a second mantle… I love getting to decorate it for the holidays as well as the rest of the room.

^ This picture frame is one of my favorite decorations I got last year! I love the music notes and the different Christmas patterns on it. {FYI - I got it at the Country Hearth in Bolivar.}

^ Our tree! I love ornaments that are neutral, rustic, and "woodsy" as my Grandma Stevens would call it. I am also a fan of the big-bulb lights instead of the mini ones. I know it doesn't add as much light to the tree, but I am pleased with the overall look!

^ I also scored some garland last year and decided to hang some in our dining room!

^ Sink Window & Bookshelves. The bookshelves don't currently have a ton of Christmas decorations. That's my goal for next year!

Ty's Office
Since our main Christmas tree is a tad on the girly side {pearls, lace, etc.}, I didn't want Ty to feel left out. Plus, I got this little tree last year from Hobby Lobby for like $15.00 so I decided to put it in his office this year with some slightly more masculine decorations...

^ Since this tree is small, I set it on this giant spool that I got at a flea market last year!

I hope you enjoyed our little home tour with all of our decorations.
Merry Christmas! :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

High Five Friday

In high school, a group of us had t-shirts made that said "High Five Friday!" And what did we do when we wore the shirts? Walked around giving everyone high fives… Seems sort of ridiculous now, but believe me, it seemed really cool at the time.

So here's my take on "5 on Friday." My top 5 high points of the week {or upcoming weekend}.

1. Snow Day
Today's the first snow day of the 2013-14 school year! That's something to celebrate and take full advantage of. I've been able to catch up on some of the projects that I didn't get finished over Thanksgiving break. I was also glad this took place on a Friday: Three. Day. Weekend.

2. Possible DIY Scarf
My cute friend Camrie posted this picture on IG of a scarf that she made using a youtube tutorial. I am super pumped to try it! I've got the yarn, now I've got to just sit down and start it. I've never knitted or made a yarn anything… So, I'll let you know if it ends up being a success.

3. Bell Ringing & Christmas Caroling
Pray for me. Tomorrow I've agreed to stand out in the frigid air and ring bells for three hours with some of my students. Why couldn't I have picked Monday or Tuesday of this week when it was like 60 degrees?! With those crazy kids, though, I'm sure it will be a good time, even in the chilly temps. Hopefully we'll be able to sing some carols without our vocal chords freezing over.

4. Festival of Christmas
Every year, our town has a special service called the "Festival of Christmas." It's a time for community members and churches to come together and celebrate the season - and most importantly the true reason for it, Jesus' birth. I'm singing in the community choir with the orchestra and I know that it will be a lot of fun and a great kick-off to the week of Christmas programs {my church program and school program both happen on the following weekend}. 'Tis the season!

5. Some Christmas Song List Additions
I posted a list on Monday of my 10 favorite "un-famous" Christmas carols. Find it here. A friend sent me two more this week which was awesome… One of my very, very favorite groups right now is The Civil Wars. Ty and I both love their unique sound and folky style and we own their other two albums. A review that I saw online that said their songs are like "lullabies for adults." Ha! {In a laid-back, cool way. Not creepy. Or X-rated or anything!} The two Christmas songs that they've released are Tracks in the Snow and O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Both are performed in typical CW style and are awesome. Find them here:

Have a fun December weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Art of the Infinity Scarf

It is no secret, I love a good scarf. What girl doesn't? I love that this is a trend that women of all ages can get on board with. I wear them almost every day, even if just in/out of the cold. The best part about scarves? You can throw your hair up in a bun, slap on a scarf,
and voila: you look trendy.

When infinity scarves first made an appearance on the fashion scene, I was intrigued. Never being one to wisely wait and see which trends stick around and which tend to disappear in a day, I purchased five one or two infinities. The only problem was, I couldn't really figure out how to wear/style/arrange them. That is, until now!
^ Left = Bad. Right = Good. Keep reading for the how-to.
{^ My faces kiiiinda crack me up. So intently styling my scarf. So intently.}

An Infinity Scarf Tutorial
by a newly accomplished scarf arranger

Step 1. Begin with your scarf around your neck like so & loop once...
Step 2. Grab the top portion of the top section of the scarf.
Step 3. Take that part up and around the back, behind your head, until you see that it is lengthening the bottom section of your scarf. Pull that piece around so it is long on the bottom. The two sections will be farther apart now, but you're on the right track.
Step 4. Grab the bottom of the top section and pull it down towards the bottom.
Step 5. Fluff until cuteness happens and you are satisfied with the look of your scarf!

You'll be so relieved every time you put on one of these scarves that you don't have to fuss and fight with it to make it look good! Just follow these few, simple steps and you'll be rockin' that infinity.

I hope that you have found this helpful! It is somewhat difficult to relay a tutorial through pictures. Perhaps one day I will get ultra-blogger-ish and make a video tutorial…. But until then, go get yourself an infinity scarf!


Need some ideas for scarves? Take a minute to visit my go-to fashion expert, Erika, who has rounded up some great infinity scarves. Better yet, use the scarves she's found as ideas for Christmas gifts; you can't go wrong with an accessory like a scarf for any girl you'll be buying a gift for this Christmas season.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Ten Best Christmas Songs You May Not Have Heard

^ I'm pretty positive that I need this shirt to wear every Christmas season!

As a choir director, I am privileged to have the excuse to begin experiencing Christmas music earlier than most can justify, typically beginning sometime around the end of October. A choir has to begin preparing for their Christmas concert sooner rather than later, or they will run out of time at the end of the semester! By the time December rolls around, we are 7 songs deep into the Christmas season and the spirit has been around for weeks.

I have always loved Christmas music; it brings about special memories and feelings that other music throughout the year just can't evoke. 

I know we all love the classics and the old favorites, but what about giving 
something new a listen?

Morgan's Top 10 Most {potentially*} Un-Famous Christmas Carols

1. "Winter Snow" - Audrey Assad 
2. "It Really is a Wonderful Life" - Mindy Smith
3. "Mistletoe" - Colbie Caillat
4. "Snowfall" - Ingrid Michaelson
5. "The Gift" - Aselin Debison
6. "Winter Song" - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
7. "Carol of the Bells" - Pentatonix
8. "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" - Casting Crowns
9. "The 12 Days of Christmas" - Straight No Chaser
10. "Rose of Bethlehem" - Selah

*There may be a song or two on this list that you have already heard before. If so, congratulate yourself on having great taste in Christmas jams.

So while you're blog browsing or shopping online this Christmas season, pull up an extra tab and youtube these great songs. You won't regret it! All of them (other than #9, which is a crazy, fun rendition of the classic) are very relaxing and soothing to have on in the background of whatever it is that you're doing.

Let me know what you think!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Turkey Month Transition

So, last Friday, November the 1st, I was serious when I asked Ty if it was acceptable for me to decorate for Christmas that weekend...

{This might be a close comparison to how some Turkey Day lovers
feel about hauling out the holly a little too soon}...

Looking at the next few weekends in November, I only have one or two options as to when I can 100%, totally, whole-heartedly commit to a few hours of Christmas season kick-off. Last year, the Saturday that I decorated for the holidays was seriously the most cozy and wonderful day of the whole year {other than Christmas day itself, of course}. After only six months of marriage and home ownership, I had already collected a decent amount of stuff to decorate with for our first Christmas in our house; unpacking each item was like a little mini-Christmas all on its own!

I began a tradition. I first put on my holiday jams {favorite Christmas playlist post coming soon!} and/or find whatever Harry Potter film is currently on ABC family, make some cider, and Christmas-i-fy-the-you-know-what {heck... what were you thinking?!} out of our house. I can't wait to do it again this year!!

So, since Ty and I agreed the day after Halloween was a bit too early, I found a couple of Thanksgiving/ish things to satisfy my inner Martha Stewart.

^^ Current goal/project for Ty? Get our fireplace working. Pronto!

^^ Found this cute printable online. I also started liking pumpkin-flavored things this year, so it works. ;)

^^ Got this adorbs feather wreath and my Thomas T. Turkey for around $5.00 last year after Christmas at Tuesday Morning. Score.

I can't wait until my next decoration post!! Why? Because it will be featuring all of the new items I got on sale last year after Christmas. Christmas being, of course, "The most wonderful time of the year....." YippEEEEE!!!*

*NOTE: No excitement has been feigned in this post. Holiday excitement is 100% genuine. Just ask my better half.