Monday, December 2, 2013

The Ten Best Christmas Songs You May Not Have Heard

^ I'm pretty positive that I need this shirt to wear every Christmas season!

As a choir director, I am privileged to have the excuse to begin experiencing Christmas music earlier than most can justify, typically beginning sometime around the end of October. A choir has to begin preparing for their Christmas concert sooner rather than later, or they will run out of time at the end of the semester! By the time December rolls around, we are 7 songs deep into the Christmas season and the spirit has been around for weeks.

I have always loved Christmas music; it brings about special memories and feelings that other music throughout the year just can't evoke. 

I know we all love the classics and the old favorites, but what about giving 
something new a listen?

Morgan's Top 10 Most {potentially*} Un-Famous Christmas Carols

1. "Winter Snow" - Audrey Assad 
2. "It Really is a Wonderful Life" - Mindy Smith
3. "Mistletoe" - Colbie Caillat
4. "Snowfall" - Ingrid Michaelson
5. "The Gift" - Aselin Debison
6. "Winter Song" - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson
7. "Carol of the Bells" - Pentatonix
8. "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" - Casting Crowns
9. "The 12 Days of Christmas" - Straight No Chaser
10. "Rose of Bethlehem" - Selah

*There may be a song or two on this list that you have already heard before. If so, congratulate yourself on having great taste in Christmas jams.

So while you're blog browsing or shopping online this Christmas season, pull up an extra tab and youtube these great songs. You won't regret it! All of them (other than #9, which is a crazy, fun rendition of the classic) are very relaxing and soothing to have on in the background of whatever it is that you're doing.

Let me know what you think!


  1. I knew "Mistletoe," "Winter Song," and "The Gift." I think my two new faves on your list are "Winter Snow" and "Snow Fall." Merry Christmas!

  2. I couldn't be happier that Mistletoe is on this list. I WILL SAY--if you haven't heard it, listen to the original recording. The recording on her most recent Christmas CD is too over-produced!

  3. Love that "12 Days" version by Straight No Chaser!
