Friday, December 6, 2013

High Five Friday

In high school, a group of us had t-shirts made that said "High Five Friday!" And what did we do when we wore the shirts? Walked around giving everyone high fives… Seems sort of ridiculous now, but believe me, it seemed really cool at the time.

So here's my take on "5 on Friday." My top 5 high points of the week {or upcoming weekend}.

1. Snow Day
Today's the first snow day of the 2013-14 school year! That's something to celebrate and take full advantage of. I've been able to catch up on some of the projects that I didn't get finished over Thanksgiving break. I was also glad this took place on a Friday: Three. Day. Weekend.

2. Possible DIY Scarf
My cute friend Camrie posted this picture on IG of a scarf that she made using a youtube tutorial. I am super pumped to try it! I've got the yarn, now I've got to just sit down and start it. I've never knitted or made a yarn anything… So, I'll let you know if it ends up being a success.

3. Bell Ringing & Christmas Caroling
Pray for me. Tomorrow I've agreed to stand out in the frigid air and ring bells for three hours with some of my students. Why couldn't I have picked Monday or Tuesday of this week when it was like 60 degrees?! With those crazy kids, though, I'm sure it will be a good time, even in the chilly temps. Hopefully we'll be able to sing some carols without our vocal chords freezing over.

4. Festival of Christmas
Every year, our town has a special service called the "Festival of Christmas." It's a time for community members and churches to come together and celebrate the season - and most importantly the true reason for it, Jesus' birth. I'm singing in the community choir with the orchestra and I know that it will be a lot of fun and a great kick-off to the week of Christmas programs {my church program and school program both happen on the following weekend}. 'Tis the season!

5. Some Christmas Song List Additions
I posted a list on Monday of my 10 favorite "un-famous" Christmas carols. Find it here. A friend sent me two more this week which was awesome… One of my very, very favorite groups right now is The Civil Wars. Ty and I both love their unique sound and folky style and we own their other two albums. A review that I saw online that said their songs are like "lullabies for adults." Ha! {In a laid-back, cool way. Not creepy. Or X-rated or anything!} The two Christmas songs that they've released are Tracks in the Snow and O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Both are performed in typical CW style and are awesome. Find them here:

Have a fun December weekend!

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