Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift under $10

Today I am linking up with some other bloggers {Erika and Andrea} for a Favorite Things Party. I racked my brain trying to think of a useful, practical, and cute gift for under $10.00. Here's what I came up with:

A ring holder!

When Ty and I first got married, I didn't have one of these. I would daringly set my ring by the bathroom sink or on my nightstand. Luckily, I never dropped it down the drain, or worse, down the vent next to my side of the bed! All of these things could have easily happened with my fabulous sense of clumsiness, however.

With this gift you can get kind of creative. I just use a little dish from Hobby Lobby to hold my wedding ring and other small earrings that I wear on a regular basis. 

Here are some cute ones I found from around the www:
^ This could easily be re-created {DIY!} using a small picture frame, some cotton backing, fabric and a push pin of some sort.

^ This was from Etsy and is over $10.00 but I thought it was super cute & wanted to share. :)

And here's my favorite ring holder that I found, and it's exactly $10.00…
^ This little cutie is at Pier 1.

There are tons of options for this as a gift. Some other cute ideas on Etsy I saw were small plates for the ring bearer to carry at a wedding, then use as a ring holder after! They were more expensive, but would be a great keepsake. This would make an awesome gift for any girl getting married soon!

And one last thing before you go... If you already have one in your bathroom {or know of a friend who has one}, why not put one in the kitchen to use while doing dishes or cleaning??

Happy gifting!


  1. Hey, girl! Thanks for linking up! Love the last ring holder and the elephant one. SO CUTE! BUT... am I the only one who NEVER takes my rings off??? Did I miss the memo??? Am I supposed to??? I sleep it them, shower in them, wash dishes in them, etc. I think I'd be afraid to take them off and leave them somewhere. hahaha

    1. Haha! Thanks, Andrea. I guess I've just gotten in the habit of taking mine off when I do all of those things... sleep, shower, dishes. :) Too funny! Btw, it was nice to meet you and your ADORABLE family at church with Erika. My husband, Ty and I were there the weekend before Thanksgiving. Love your blog!

  2. Love the elephant one!!! So cute! I never take my rings off either! Wear all the time doing all things. Oh and I LOVED your infinity scarf tutorial- have used several times since you posted;) Genius!!

    1. Thanks, Lyndsey! I am so glad the tutorial helped. :) It was fun to put together!!

  3. Love the one from etsy! I need a little ring holder on my nightstand so I can take them off right before bed. Found you through the link up :)

    1. Thanks, Ashley! Yes. Having one on a nightstand right next to the bed sounds awesome. :)

  4. These ring holders are really cute!

  5. I honestly never even thought about a ring holder - I wear mine constantly {which is why it desparately needs to be cleaned}....but seeing these gets me thinking! :-)

    1. Ha! I'm the same way… even taking mine off to do household chores and such, mine is still dirty! Maybe I'll ask Santa to go get it cleaned for me after Christmas. ;)

  6. I really need the elephant I always leave mine on the nightstand! Once I lost it for like 20 minutes and completely freaked out! Lol
