Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Helpful "How-To:" Rolling A Sleeve

During the summer, I remember reading a post on Pinterest Told Me To {a fabulous fashion blog written by Erika's friend, Sheaffer} about a cute way to roll a sleeve! Talk about important information. I remember attempting it that day after I read the post, but that was back in the hot summer days when long-sleeves and button-ups weren't anywhere on my radar... If you know me, you know that summer weather ain't really my thang... I think the sleeve-roll attempt lasted about 45 seconds before I was back in a tank top and had that shirt off and put back into my fall/winter closet.

Fast forward to last Saturday, a cool, 77 degree, September day, and I was ready to wear my long-sleeve chambray to Springfield for a quick shopping trip! With a couple of attempts, I felt like I had achieved a similar look to the one that Sheaffer featured on her blog this summer. {Success!}

^^Everyone wants their button-ups to look this j-crew-esque. I needed it to look as effortless as this girl's but I quickly realized that it took a bit of effort to get this look... I suppose this is true with most "effortless"looks. 

So here's a tutorial:

And the final product....

^^ This chick has mastered the sleeve-roll. {Although the denim-on-denim and complete buttoned-up look is kind of throwing me off right now. Not sure I'm THAT in love with denim.}

So. Here is my OOTD {outfit of the day, for all you non-modern-day-acronymers}:

Let me take this moment to remind you, after you've spent 4 minutes of your life reading this post, that it's the little things in our lives that truly matter. 

Like a proper sleeve-roll. Consider giving this a try the next time you wear a button-up.


1 comment:

  1. Love this! It's kind of like when we used to tight roll jeans! It took some talent! I still remember being in K and first grade and yelling for Jera to tight roll my jeans:0
